Ok, why do I care?
Maybe you would like to have a Hard Drive meter, or a System information program?
What if you just cant make that tuff decision and you need to have help?
What about keeping tabs on all your favorite sport scores?
RSS Readers, Media Players, a great way to look up local Gas Prices, keep tabs on your contacts with MSN Status, Desktop Sticky notes, and even a great way to send a message to everyone else at work at the same time.
Did you know that a lot of these are FREE? yes FREE! -
Yes, DG is a STORE, it allows you to buy gadgets that others have made, but it also allows you to sell your own gadgets that you can create with DesktopX PRO.
This is a great opportunity for you to not only make a few bucks, but to show off some of your work to friends that don't have DX or wouldn't load it if you paid them. You don't have to sell you gadgets you can also make them available for free. Giving you a much larger potential audience then WC alone.
So show me some of these great gadgets already!