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DX Tutorial what do you want to see?
Published on February 12, 2007 By
OS Customization
If someone was to take the time to make a Good starter guide as well as a more in-depth guide to DX, what would you want to see?
How do i make a simple clock?
How do you make a Folder Object?
What is a Group?
How do you store settings in DX?
Please be detailed, it can help.
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Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 16, 2007
I have to agree with RomanDA on this. The thing to do isn't to learn scripts that are already out there (more clocks, weather, etc.).
Good gadgets work one of two ways but start the same:
1. Have an idea for a great gadget
2. Learn needed scripting (lots of resources on the web)
3. Learn how to incorporate script into DX (sViz, Martin, RomanDA, CerebroJD, DX Wiki, Stardock documentation, etc)
4. Execute
5. Profit!! (or share)
1. Have an idea for a great gadget
2. Learn how to incorporate script into DX (sViz, Martin, RomanDA, CerebroJD, DX Wiki, Stardock documentation, etc)
3. Learn needed scripting (lots of resources on the web)
4. Execute
5. Profit!! (or share)
The idea is the hardest part. The scripting is out there. The DX incorporation might be the missing part. I actually think that existing documentation, tutorials, and "open source" objects are sufficient if people want to do the work.
I have learned so much from all the DX tutorials out there but the thing is that much of the code was available out there but the real benefit was that I didn't think of putting it together in the way the DX Gods do.
I say "keep doing the tuts". And host them all together. and link to them often. But people that have a good idea for a DX thing will make the effort to make it happen or find someone else to make it happen whether there are tutorials or not.
Me, I'll hack away at objects that will never leave my desktop and push any ideas I have to the people who can execute it better than I ever will.
on Feb 16, 2007
I agree. If you want a weather widget that looks like X, reverse engineer one of the ones out there.
That is easy enough. But is that for personal use only or can that be done with the intent of uploading it here. I may not know how to write scripts but I know I can edit them to suit my needs. My thought was that using someone elses script in your widget was basically a rip, regardless of what graphics were used, or changes made. Thats why I haven't experimented with them at all. In fact, I was surprised at the advise to search google for scripts. I thought everyone was writing their code from scratch. This thread has already taught me alot.
This was a great idea and I'm looking forward to the tutorials. Thanks
on Feb 16, 2007
Anything that is uploaded here is open for you to tweak for persoanl use. You can even upload it back to here if you have permission from the author/artist. And Stardock has released their scripts to anyone with no permission needed.
So go! Build! Have fun! Report back and share!
on Feb 16, 2007
But where are the Stardock scripts?
on Feb 16, 2007
But where are the Stardock scripts?
There is no script repository per se. The Stardock scripts are part of almost every weather widget out there.
Find an object you want to tweak. If the script has permissions from Stardock included you are free to use it nand upload it to WC.
If the script belongs to someone else, you need to get permission to share.
You can use any code you want for personal use.
on Feb 16, 2007
Some times DX can be very intimidating to some people. It is vast and complex in certain areas. There are just too many things that can be done and done differently and what is easy for one person may be hard for another. Just an idea here. Have a thread where you invite people to tell you what areas they have the most problems in. With the understanding that there would not be any answers given in the thread, That this information would be used to build a data base of the most areas of confusion. This would give you an idea of what areas that would need the most explanations
As far as scripts go I have VB6 and I have created a few scripts with the help of the program. But I find that the terminology is different in DX then it is when I work in VB6 and that has a tendency to throw me off.. Some of the terms used like DIM and SUB I have no idea what it means. Maybe a list of the what the term means would be helpful to me and others interested in scripting.
On another note if I can be of any help putting the tutorial together or help out in any other way please let me know I would be glad to help out...
on Feb 16, 2007
There is a reason some of us upload gadgets vs widgets, the scripts. If i spend months on something and im planning in selling it (which im doing more and more now) i dont want my code out there form someone to reverse engineer from. If i post a WIDGET or OBJECT I feel im saying LOOK IT OVER, but if you use it (well more than a small part of the code) let me know, and ask if its ok to upload your version here.
There are a LOT of Stardock Scripts, load DX, import a widget, look at anything that says "CORE" or "SILICA" i believe these are ALL made by or for stardock, and are free to be used, thus the word "CORE" as is basis for creating items.
I find myself using code from CORE items all the time.
I have found that most people are OK with you using their scripts as most people's scripts are not 100% their own, they came from other widgets, or from web sites, etc.
Again, its best to ASK before uploading something that uses other's scripts.
I also believe that the CORE WEATHER images are free to be used as well. (need a SD person to verify that).
on Feb 16, 2007
Can someone tell me how to get the color changer to work in dx
on Feb 16, 2007
Can someone tell me how to get the color changer to work in dx
More info needed
Name of widget?
Link (if downloaded)?
Also, a new post may have been more appropriate to avoid hi-jacking this thread.
on Feb 16, 2007
I'd like to see instructions on how to change theme resolutions. I've been pretty disappointed in the fact that these themes don't "autoadjust" to resolutions like 1440x900, and I know others have been as well.
on Feb 16, 2007
All we need now is a dedicated web site to do this on.... wonder if stardock will give me space on a server? www.dxtutorials.com?
I can think of an easier one than this. If they extended the tutorials section to include categories it would be a heck of a lot easier to access only the dx tutorials
I.R. Brainiac
on Feb 16, 2007
Hiya RoManda!Your the man who got me started on widgets when I decided to see how you did the analog cpu meters.
I need a script that calls up left and right sound levels...input levels,and maybe output.VU meters capable of monitoring a sound files actual volume.
I want to make a media player with DX.Or just have the meters running beside WMP.
I know thats a little specific for a tutorial,but maybe a tut that will allow us to make any kind of similar widgy.
Thanks dude.
on Feb 16, 2007
I need a script that calls up left and right sound levels...input levels,and maybe output.VU meters capable of monitoring a sound files actual volume.
I wonder if WMI holds that data?
on Feb 16, 2007
I wonder if WMI holds that data?
WMI doesn't (duh)
But a call to DirectSound through DirectX might.
Might need a plugin too . . not sure.
might be a starting point or maybe
I.R. Brainiac
on Feb 16, 2007
Thanks,that second link might be of help.(if I knew what I was doing)
Winamp has them and sysmetrics...so its got to be possible.
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