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Hide & Seek
Published on May 31, 2007 By RomanDA In DesktopX Tutorials
Step-by-Step Tutorials

#10 - Hide & Seek

A series by RomanDA

Listing of other DX Tutorials: Click here
Today's Lesson: "Hide & Seek"

This will be the last in this series of Tutorials. I hope you have enjoyed them, and managed to get something out of them.
In this lesson we will do some basic DX operations on one object from another.
We will cover the following:

  • HIDE/SHOW one object by clicking on another
  • SLIDE/HIDE one object by clicking on another
  • EXPAND/SHRINK one object by clicking on another

For this and all the Step-By-Step DX Tutorials you will need to purchase DesktopX for $14.95 from Stardock.

Lets get started.

STEP 1 - Create the objects

For this tutorial we will be using 3 objects: (right click and SAVE the images to your pc)

  • Create 3 objects. (look at the old tutorials for info on how to do this)
  • Create an object called Mask
    • width: 260
    • height: 90
    • Group Tutorial10
    • Widget Tutorial10
    • NOTE: we will later change the transparency to 0, but for now we want to see how the mask makes things work.
  • Create an object called Target
    • Make its PARENT object MASK
    • place it at 0,0 for top/left.
    • Group Tutorial10
    • Widget Tutorial10
  • Create an object called Button
    • place it above the TARGET/MASK object (like you see in the table above, just above it)
    • Widget Tutorial10
    • NO GROUP!!!!
  • We will make a VERY simple script on Button to hide/show Target.

STEP 2 - Add a simple HIDE/SHOW Script

Add the following script to Button:

  Function Object_OnLButtonUp(x, y, Dragged)
  If Dragged = False Then
    If desktopx.Object("Target").visible = True Then
      desktopx.Object("Target").visible = False
      desktopx.Object("Target").visible = True
    End If
  End If
End Function

Lets look at the above script.
Its VERY simple, we look at the Visibility of Target and see if its True (is it visible), if so, we HIDE it (False), if its Hidden (False) we Show it (True).

  If desktopx.Object("Target").visible = True Then 'is Target Visible?
  desktopx.Object("Target").visible = False 'If so, HIDE it
  desktopx.Object("Target").visible = True  'If not, SHOW it
End If

That's all there is to it. 
SAVE the code.
Click Button to see how it toggles Target on/off.
The MASK will stay there, but that's ok for now, we will play with that NEXT.

Here is what you will see:

Normal View CLICKED

STEP 3 - Sliding Target

Now, lets change things up.  Lets make the TARGET SLIDE up into the menu.  We do this by making a script that has a few Timers (in order to slow up the sliding).
The script is a modified version of my script I used in another tutorial.  The basics are this.
  • The Function Object_OnLButtonUp(x, y, Dragged) is the button being pressed (well released)
    Inside here we look at the TOP position of the TARGET.
    If the TARGET's top is = 0 this means its being shown and is at the normal position, so we want to HIDE it (Timer 200).
    If not then we want to SHOW it (Timer 100).
    We kill the timer just to be sure, then we set the correct timer to start.
  • In the timers we simply look to see if the top is at 0 or at -90 (shown / hidden).
    All we do to HIDE the TARGET is to move it 5 spaces at a time UP
  • Because we have the TARGET's parent as a MASK it will move up past the Visible area the mask shows, so it will look like its vanishing.
  • In the Timer we keep moving it UP until it reaches -90 (the object it 88 pixels tall), then we kill the timer.
  • When we click the button again it sees the TARGET.top position is -90 and it SHOWS it by doing the opposite as it does to SHOW it.
  • We move it DOWN 5 pixels at a time till its back to 0, with the mask setup it looks like its sliding from nowhere.
  • We are using this
    Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
      desktopx.Object("Target").top = 0
    End Sub
    To set the initial TARGET position to 0, just so that it shows the menu on startup.  If you wanted to have the menu HIDDEN on startup, you would change the 0 to -90

Here is the script to SLIDE the TARGET UP/DOWN: (this code goes in the BUTTON)
REPLACE the code from the "HIDE/SHOW" above. 

  Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
  desktopx.Object("Target").top = 0
End Sub

Function Object_OnLButtonUp(x, y, Dragged)
  If Dragged = False Then
    If desktopx.Object("Target").top = 0 Then
      object.KillTimer 100
      object.SetTimer 200,10
      object.KillTimer 200
      object.SetTimer 100,10
    End If
  End If
End Function

Sub object_ontimer100
  If desktopx.Object("Target").top < 0 Then
    desktopx.Object("Target").top = desktopx.Object("Target").top + 5
    object.KillTimer 100
  End If
End Sub

Sub object_ontimer200
  If desktopx.Object("Target").top > -90 Then
    desktopx.Object("Target").top = desktopx.Object("Target").top - 5
    object.KillTimer 200
  End If
End Sub

This would end up looking like this (when you click the button it goes UP then DOWN):

To make this look a LOT better you could go in and make the MASK's transparency = 0 so that its basically invisible.
You can use whatever objects you want, you would only have to change the -90 to the correct height for the object you want to use.
Again, these are just samples for you to work with.

STEP 3 - Shrinking / Expanding

Ok, so we know how to HIDE/SHOW by clicking the button, and we can make it SLIDE UP and DOWN too.  Now lets make the TARGET EXPAND / SHRINK.
To do this we will use some of the same functions as above.  Only now we want to not MOVE the TOP, we want to change the WIDTH of the TARGET.
The targets "default" size is: 255x88  What we want it to do is shrink down to 30x88 (so that it EXPANDS out from the left to the right).

One of the things we need to do is change the ADVANCED settings on the TARGET image.
Click on properties, then States then ADVANCED:

This will make it so the 3d EDGE of the TARGET stays the right width, and the insides kind of Expand.


  Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
  desktopx.Object("Target").top = 0
  desktopx.Object("Target").width = 25
End Sub

Function Object_OnLButtonUp(x, y, Dragged)
  If Dragged = False Then
    If desktopx.Object("Target").width = 25 Then
      object.KillTimer 100
      object.SetTimer 200,10
      object.KillTimer 200
      object.SetTimer 100,10
    End If
  End If
End Function

Sub object_ontimer100
  If desktopx.Object("Target").width > 25 Then
    desktopx.Object("Target").width = desktopx.Object("Target").width - 5
    object.KillTimer 100
  End If
End Sub

Sub object_ontimer200
  If desktopx.Object("Target").width < 255 Then
    desktopx.Object("Target").width = desktopx.Object("Target").width + 5
    object.KillTimer 200
  End If
End Sub

This would end up looking like this (when you click the button it EXPANDS / SHRINKS):
It wont look exactly like this, the edges should stay and the middle should shrink (I just dumped this into flash, so its not the same).

In the case of the EXPAND/SHRINK, you do NOT need the MASK, so you could delete that object.  I left it here only for reference.


I hope you took the time to enter the code (not just copy/pasted the entire thing) so you could work thru the tutorial step-by-step and see how things work. 

This tutorial is actually 3 in 1.  But they are related, so I wanted to make this last Tutorial a good one.

This will be my last tutorial for a while.  I hope you have enjoyed this step into DX.

AKA: David A. Roman

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Feb 17, 2009

buggy nice

on Jun 19, 2011

Any way to get this to expand right to left?

on Jun 19, 2011

2 find again

on Jun 19, 2011

Listing of other DX Tutorials: Click here

the link above shows 1 though 7

can you please give a link to 8 and 9


and on that link above there is this

Below is a list of the older tutorials I made (these are more advanced then the Step-By-Step ones above.

but I see NO Step-By-Step ones above



on Jun 19, 2011


Listing of other DX Tutorials: Click here

the link above shows 1 though 7

can you please give a link to 8 and 9


and on that link above there is this

Below is a list of the older tutorials I made (these are more advanced then the Step-By-Step ones above.

but I see NO Step-By-Step ones above





2 Pages1 2